ZoHo, also known as the Zomerhofkwartier, sandwiched between Heer Bokelweg, Hofbogen, Teilingerstraat and Noordsingel, was an introverted, unlively business area that was struggling with vacancy. In 2013 it was decided that this area needed to be redeveloped and in 2020, the masterplan for the redevelopment of the area was announced, proposing to turn ZoHo into a lively, mixed-use neighbourhood with 560 homes and 15,300 m2 of commercial real estate. The Urban and Landscape Design was done by ECHO Urban Design.
Since 2013, the area has already changed a lot when all kinds of businesses, from garages and a bread factory to fitness clubs and restaurants, moved into the area. The creative entrepreneurs who came to the area actually renamed ‘Zomerhofkwartier’ into ZoHo and the food related companies in the area provided new impetus for initiatives like food festivals and other cultural activities. Eventually, all these businesses brought life back into ZoHo, which eventually made it attractive again for bigger redevelopment plans.
Brain Teaser
How do you think businesses can bring back liveliness in urban areas? In what situations can businesses degrade an area?
Echo. (2023). Masterplan, Urban Design & Landscape Design – Echo Urban Design. Echo Urban Design. https://echo-urbandesign.com/en/projects/zoho/
Helleman, J. (2021c, may 16). ZOHO Zomerhofkwartier. Nieuwbouw Architectuur Rotterdam. https://nieuws.top010.nl/zomerhofkwartier-zoho.htmPlatform Wederopbouw
Rotterdam. (z.d.-b). Zomerhofkwartier. Geraadpleegd op 23 juni 2021, van https://wederopbouwrotterdam.nl/artikelen/zomerhofkwartier