In Coolhaven we find Little C, which is a different approach to the tight housing market, designed by CULD, Inbo and Juurlink + Geluk. The neighbourhood consists of 15 low to middle rise buildings with 350 houses, varying in size, offices and other functions. The design is inspired by Greenwich Village in New York and the surrounding historic buildings of the Coolhaven, such as De Machinist and De Hoge School.
Their goal was to achieve a high density with an informal quality and space for greenery. To achieve such a high density the buildings are connected by walkways so multiple buildings can share one lift and one staircase. In the plinths of the buildings you will find the other functions such as cafes, a family home and the design offices of CULD and Juurlink + Geluk.
On the waterside of Little C you will find het Tuchinski park consisting of 12,000 square metres and 128 new trees. The park is designed as a waterfront which invites visitors to reside close to the water and is supposed to connect the Heemraadsingel, Het Museumpark and Het Park.
Tuschinskipark – Rotterdamse parken. (n.d.). https://rotterdamseparken.nl/site/parken/tuschinskipark/
Surprisingly relaxed Rotterdam – CULD. (n.d.). https://www.culd-org.eu/projects/coolhaven/
Little C Rotterdam – INBO. (2023, July 14). INBO. https://inbo.com/nl/projects/dorp-aan-de-coolhaven-little-c-rotterdam/