The Fenixloodsen is a complex of two warehouses at Katendrecht in Rotterdam, which are beautifully situated at the foot of the Rijnhaven bridge with a view of the Rijnhaven and the Wilhelminapier. The warehouses originated from one big warehouse, the San Franciscoloods, which was built in 1922-1923 for the inventory of the Holland-America Line (HAL). The San Francis warehouse was 360 metres long, making it one of the largest warehouses in the world. During the war, the San Francis warehouse was severely damaged. In 1954 the two remnants of the building were rebuilt as two separate warehouses: Fenix I and Fenix II.
The redesign of Fenix I was done by Mei Architecten with which they won the Rotterdam Architecture award in 2019. “Fenix I is at once tough and refined, displaying a quality that is carried through at all scales, from the subtly crafted disc columns in the dwellings to the integration of the old concrete structures of the warehouse,” said the jury. The original warehouse has been converted for mixed use, the construction on top houses 212 loft homes with either a garden or a balcony. Fenixloods II will be redeveloped from 2020 into the Landverhuizersmuseum (emigration museum).
In the Fenix Food Factory and Rotterdam foodhallen you can get a nice coffee and snack
Fenix I – Mei architects and planners. (2023, February 1). Mei Architects and Planners. https://mei-arch.eu/projecten/fenix-1/
Van Helleman, J. (2019, November 29). Fenixloodsen – Fenix 1 opgeleverd – Nieuwbouw Architectuur Rotterdam. Nieuwbouw Architectuur Rotterdam. https://nieuws.top010.nl/fenixloodsen-rotterdam.htm
Weessies, R. (n.d.). Fenix I grote winnaar Rotterdam Architectuurprijs 2019. Architectenweb. https://architectenweb.nl/nieuws/artikel.aspx?ID=46969#:~:text=Fenix%20I%20is%20de%20grote,zowel%20de%20jury%2D%20als%20publieksprijs